Thursday 9 April 2015

Quoter Peter Kwok section 4

1.Page 179 

Behind him, across vast distances of space and time,from the place he had left, he thought he heard music too. But perhaps it was only an echo.

The significance of this quote is that he heard something coming from where he had came from and possibly the people back at home and indicates that he really did have the capacity to see beyond. The giver was right and Jonas changed

2. Page 164

 "Enjoy it, little guy," he said. "This is your last night as visitor."

This quote shows that Jonas' dad wanted to release Gabe. Jonas knows the truth behind releasing people and that is really killing the people.

3. Page 176

The memories had fallen behind him now, escaping from his protection to return to the people of his community. 

 Jonas' plan worked but it cost him a lot of sacrifice but it show is he did what was best for the community 

4. Page 173

 The word had been "starving." You have never been starving, he had been told. You will never be starving.

Jonas now knows what starving means and even though his mom told him presision of language he really means it now.

5. page 174

He no longer cared about himself.

This quote shows that Jonas has changed, grown, and now possesses feelings. He has learned things no one else has and it is all because  of the giver.

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