Thursday 26 March 2015

Character Commandant -Vernadette U.


Jonas began to see glimpse of colors in his ordinary life. There would be glimpse of green in the landscape and other brilliant colors. Since Jonas is the only one that can see colors, Jonas feels irritated because everything is the same and dull in the community. He thinks that its unfair that people can't choose what they want to do in their everyday lives because its all so similar.


In this page Jonas was trying to explain to his little sister Lily that her comfort object which is an elephant used to exist along with some other creatures. Lily agrees with him skeptically Jonas then tries to transmit some of the memories of an elephant to her buy touching her shoulders not realizing that he's been hurting her just so he can prove a point.


In this pages Jonas noticed that his parents weren't getting enough sleep because of the new child Gabriel that his father nurtures at home for extra care. During the middle of the night, Gabriel would wake Jonas up because of the noise he makes from his relentless sleep. 

Jonas then began to remember the wonderful sail that the Giver had given him while patting Gabriel back not being aware that his transmitting some of that memory to the new child. Feeling frightened of his power he decided not to tell the Giver about the incident.


In this page it describes what Jonas was feeling because of the fact that he hasn't been taking his pills for the past week or so. He feels a little guilty and embarrassed about the dreams that he's been having but he knows that he can't take anymore stirring pills and that he couldn't go back to the world of no feelings that he had lived for so long.


In this pages Jonas starts to question himself as to why he was chosen for this job. He then asks some questions regarding about the previous receiver and why it was unsuccessful. The Giver then gives some explanations to Jonas stating that the previous receiver wasn't ready to handle memories that were too painful. After hearing the story, Jonas is now more determined to work hard to be a better Receiver.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Quoter Cole Cabral

Page 108-109

"Jonas was jarred loose and thrown violently into the air. He fell with his leg twisted under him, and could hear the crack of the bone. His face scraped along jagged edges of ice and when he came, at last, to a stop, he lay shocked and still feeling nothing at fist but fear. Then the first wave of pain."

I choose this quote from the story because this is Jonas first experience of pain. From this experience Jonas was asking for pills the relive the pain. The Giver imminently said no. Now I think from this experience Jonas will second guess his section of being the receiver of memories.

Page 129

"The next morning for the first time, Jonas did not take the pill. Something within him, something that had grown there through the memories, told him to throw the pill away."

I think from the memories of love and pain Jonas does not think he needs he needs the pills. Maybe they might affect his memories.

Page 134

"Don't play it anymore Jonas pleaded"

From the memories that Jonas has he realizes the true meaning behind the game. Since nobody else has the memories nobody else knows any better. Nobody knows pain and hardship.

Page 121

"Jonas did not want to go back. he didn't want the memories didn't the wisdom didn't want the pain"

From the memory of war and pain that The Giver gave him the last time. From that memory Jonas doesn't want to be The Giver.

Page 101 

"Jonas asked once, as they prepared for the day's work, don't you have a spouse? Aren't you allowed to apply for one?"

I think Jonas asked The giver this because Jonas might be worried he can't have a life being The Giver.

Illustrator Peter Kwok section 3

My picture is about the transmitting of love. When Jonas is given the memory of love he feels good inside.

In the picture Jonas is watching people open presents and they are happy. He wants to feel the same way and likes the memory and thought of love. Jonas wants there to be love in the world again but he can't make people understand the concept of love.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Question Creator - Angie M

1. How does being able to see a color change Jonas' life?

It made him aware that he is different from the others, who cannot see any colours. It also brought vibrance into his world, and made him get really angry when he sees other people satisfied with their lives without any color, and he could not change it for them.

2. How did pain change Jonas' life?

Jonas never knew that such pain existed before, The giver explained that experiencing pain gives wisdom to a person. Since the rest of the community did not know of any pain, this makes Jonas become different from the rest, and allowed Jonas to have more experiences than everyone else.

3. Why did Jonas' sister not believe his story of the elephants?

She did not believe that elephants existed, since she was not given the memory of the elephants being killed for their tusks, like Jonas was. He was the only person to claim that elephants once existed, so it was natural that nobody believed what he said. 

4. Why did Jonas tell his first lie to his parents?

Since Jonas had memories given to him by the Giver, and has had many experiences taught to him, he is now wiser than his parents were. However, his parents were unable to understand why he asked if they "love" him, and tried to explain to him that it was wrong to ask a question like that. He ended up having to lie that he understood his parents' explanation.

5. Why was it important for Jonas to understand the joy of being an individual?

Jonas had always been worried over the fact that he was different from others, such as having lighter coloured eyes, and being able to see the color red. Everyone in the community embraces "sameness", which caused Jonas want everyone to be able to see what he sees. Now that he learned the joy of being an individual, he is able to experience happiness.

Thursday 12 March 2015

Mood Maven (Riley Tanner)

I honestly believe that this section of this story is the most important one of them all. The mood of this story is quite stressed in some parts and other very calming. This can be showed by this quote,"No. Asher admitted reluctantly."But you can .It says so in the rules." (page 48),  "It's not what is in the heart, its what is in the mind".

Monday 9 March 2015

Character Commandant Peter Kwok Section 2

Page 57

In this page of the book Jonas is about to be called up to receive his job but instead the Chief Elder skips his number and calls number 20 instead of 19. Jonas was stunned! He thought that he may have forgot his number and he was doubting himself as everyone else was confused.He thought maybe the Chief Elder had made a mistake. Everyone was confused of why the Chief Elder would have skipped Jonas. Jonas seemed more worried every time they called the next number and it wasn't him. He felt alone and isolated from the others.

Page 69

In this page Jonas is learning his rules to follow as the RECEIVER OF MEMORY he is confused about some of the rules such as lying. He was taught not to lie when he was a kid so now the rules are much different. Jonas feels isolated from the the rest and he doesn't want to feel that way.

Page 71

Jonas is still haunted by the thought that he can lie and that no one else lies but him. He wants to know why he is allowed to lie and has so many questions he wants answered by the giver. Everyone else seems to have something in common and he is left out. He can do things no one else can and I think that Jonas doesn't know if he should do some of those things. The questions he wants the giver to answer, he doesn't even know if it will be true.

Page 80

In this page Jonas is being transmitted the memory of snow by the giver and he tries to relax and he is afraid he will fall asleep. He feels cold and he can see his breath. Suddenly the givers hands seem to fade and he is left in the cold where he sees a sled and a hill. Snowflakes are falling and he catches them on his tongue. He learns what snow is.

Page 86

Jonas wants to know what the pain will be in his job. The giver transmits the memory of sunburn to him. Jonas felt warm at first but soon it started to burn. He cried in pain and soon woke up again. The giver told him that it was sun burn. Jonas finally understands what the pain would feel like and thanks the giver.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Illustration - Angie M

This apple can symbolize anything really, but in this book this generic apple represents the point in which Jonas realizes that something in this world has "changed". 

The apple is grey because in the book, Jonas was playing catch with Asher using an apple, the apple changed into what looked like a ball. I think it foreshadows the appearance of more knowledge in his life. 

Question Creator Cole Cabral


1.  Why do you think Jonas became the receiver of memories?

2.  Why did the community react to Jonas receiving his job as receiver of memories as they did?

3.  Why do you think the community only has one person that holds all the memories?
4.  Do you think that Jonas will follow all the rules he was given and why?

5.  Why do think the elders skip Jonas during the selection?

Possible Answers

1.  I think Jonas was picked to be the receiver of memories because Jonas has the qualities that the receiver of memories needs. Jonas also didn't fit in all places in the community.

2.  The community reacted in the way they did because they all believe in  Jonas and all of his skills that he possess.

3.  Why I think the community only has one person that has all the memories is because they want everybody doing the same thing and thinking the same thing. If everybody does that nobody will retaliate against them.

4.  I think Jonas will follow the rules because he doesn't want to upset anyone. Or cause anyone pain

5.  I think the elders skipped Jonas in the selection because she wanted them to remember Jonas's selection because that kind of selection doesn't happen all the time.     

Illustration - Verenadette U.

Section 2: Chapters 6-12

The image represents the Elevens turning to Twelves or in other words their "adulthood". It symbolizes the fact that their childhood is over and their ready to transition from a child to an adult.

 The image shows a handshake with a caption "Thank you for your childhood," it illustrates the head chief giving everyone a handshake after announcing their jobs in the community.

 This handshake also emphases the part were Jonah was the last one to receive his job and the most important job of all "The Receiver"