Thursday 26 March 2015

Character Commandant -Vernadette U.


Jonas began to see glimpse of colors in his ordinary life. There would be glimpse of green in the landscape and other brilliant colors. Since Jonas is the only one that can see colors, Jonas feels irritated because everything is the same and dull in the community. He thinks that its unfair that people can't choose what they want to do in their everyday lives because its all so similar.


In this page Jonas was trying to explain to his little sister Lily that her comfort object which is an elephant used to exist along with some other creatures. Lily agrees with him skeptically Jonas then tries to transmit some of the memories of an elephant to her buy touching her shoulders not realizing that he's been hurting her just so he can prove a point.


In this pages Jonas noticed that his parents weren't getting enough sleep because of the new child Gabriel that his father nurtures at home for extra care. During the middle of the night, Gabriel would wake Jonas up because of the noise he makes from his relentless sleep. 

Jonas then began to remember the wonderful sail that the Giver had given him while patting Gabriel back not being aware that his transmitting some of that memory to the new child. Feeling frightened of his power he decided not to tell the Giver about the incident.


In this page it describes what Jonas was feeling because of the fact that he hasn't been taking his pills for the past week or so. He feels a little guilty and embarrassed about the dreams that he's been having but he knows that he can't take anymore stirring pills and that he couldn't go back to the world of no feelings that he had lived for so long.


In this pages Jonas starts to question himself as to why he was chosen for this job. He then asks some questions regarding about the previous receiver and why it was unsuccessful. The Giver then gives some explanations to Jonas stating that the previous receiver wasn't ready to handle memories that were too painful. After hearing the story, Jonas is now more determined to work hard to be a better Receiver.

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