Tuesday 17 March 2015

Question Creator - Angie M

1. How does being able to see a color change Jonas' life?

It made him aware that he is different from the others, who cannot see any colours. It also brought vibrance into his world, and made him get really angry when he sees other people satisfied with their lives without any color, and he could not change it for them.

2. How did pain change Jonas' life?

Jonas never knew that such pain existed before, The giver explained that experiencing pain gives wisdom to a person. Since the rest of the community did not know of any pain, this makes Jonas become different from the rest, and allowed Jonas to have more experiences than everyone else.

3. Why did Jonas' sister not believe his story of the elephants?

She did not believe that elephants existed, since she was not given the memory of the elephants being killed for their tusks, like Jonas was. He was the only person to claim that elephants once existed, so it was natural that nobody believed what he said. 

4. Why did Jonas tell his first lie to his parents?

Since Jonas had memories given to him by the Giver, and has had many experiences taught to him, he is now wiser than his parents were. However, his parents were unable to understand why he asked if they "love" him, and tried to explain to him that it was wrong to ask a question like that. He ended up having to lie that he understood his parents' explanation.

5. Why was it important for Jonas to understand the joy of being an individual?

Jonas had always been worried over the fact that he was different from others, such as having lighter coloured eyes, and being able to see the color red. Everyone in the community embraces "sameness", which caused Jonas want everyone to be able to see what he sees. Now that he learned the joy of being an individual, he is able to experience happiness.

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