Wednesday 4 March 2015

Question Creator Cole Cabral


1.  Why do you think Jonas became the receiver of memories?

2.  Why did the community react to Jonas receiving his job as receiver of memories as they did?

3.  Why do you think the community only has one person that holds all the memories?
4.  Do you think that Jonas will follow all the rules he was given and why?

5.  Why do think the elders skip Jonas during the selection?

Possible Answers

1.  I think Jonas was picked to be the receiver of memories because Jonas has the qualities that the receiver of memories needs. Jonas also didn't fit in all places in the community.

2.  The community reacted in the way they did because they all believe in  Jonas and all of his skills that he possess.

3.  Why I think the community only has one person that has all the memories is because they want everybody doing the same thing and thinking the same thing. If everybody does that nobody will retaliate against them.

4.  I think Jonas will follow the rules because he doesn't want to upset anyone. Or cause anyone pain

5.  I think the elders skipped Jonas in the selection because she wanted them to remember Jonas's selection because that kind of selection doesn't happen all the time.     

1 comment:

  1. I like all the possible answers that you have provided.
