Monday 9 March 2015

Character Commandant Peter Kwok Section 2

Page 57

In this page of the book Jonas is about to be called up to receive his job but instead the Chief Elder skips his number and calls number 20 instead of 19. Jonas was stunned! He thought that he may have forgot his number and he was doubting himself as everyone else was confused.He thought maybe the Chief Elder had made a mistake. Everyone was confused of why the Chief Elder would have skipped Jonas. Jonas seemed more worried every time they called the next number and it wasn't him. He felt alone and isolated from the others.

Page 69

In this page Jonas is learning his rules to follow as the RECEIVER OF MEMORY he is confused about some of the rules such as lying. He was taught not to lie when he was a kid so now the rules are much different. Jonas feels isolated from the the rest and he doesn't want to feel that way.

Page 71

Jonas is still haunted by the thought that he can lie and that no one else lies but him. He wants to know why he is allowed to lie and has so many questions he wants answered by the giver. Everyone else seems to have something in common and he is left out. He can do things no one else can and I think that Jonas doesn't know if he should do some of those things. The questions he wants the giver to answer, he doesn't even know if it will be true.

Page 80

In this page Jonas is being transmitted the memory of snow by the giver and he tries to relax and he is afraid he will fall asleep. He feels cold and he can see his breath. Suddenly the givers hands seem to fade and he is left in the cold where he sees a sled and a hill. Snowflakes are falling and he catches them on his tongue. He learns what snow is.

Page 86

Jonas wants to know what the pain will be in his job. The giver transmits the memory of sunburn to him. Jonas felt warm at first but soon it started to burn. He cried in pain and soon woke up again. The giver told him that it was sun burn. Jonas finally understands what the pain would feel like and thanks the giver.


  1. A lot of detail and was easy to read. Nice pictures!

  2. A lot of detail and was easy to read. Nice pictures!
